‘The Cuban Government Is Guilty of the Death of a Patient in Bayamo, Not the Doctors’

Entrance of the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital in Bayamo. (Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 26 November 2023 — Urologist Aldo Luis Zamora Varona denounced the “injustice” against six of his colleagues who the authorities charged with “negligence” two years ago when they “tried to save the life” of an accident victim in the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes General Hospital, in Bayamo, but did not succeed. They are Rafael José Sánchez Vázquez, Yoandra Quesada Labrada, Elizabeth Silvera, William Pérez Ramírez, Henrry Rosales Pompa and Ristian Solano.

Meanwhile, the exiled doctor Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre, who highlighted the arbitrariness against his colleagues, announced that no sentence has yet been handed down against the doctors for whom the Prosecutor’s Office is requesting sentences of 2 and 3 years in prison. However, “they are being treated like criminals, they are being harassed, they are not allowed to leave their homes.” This Saturday, he detailed that the evidence presented by Bayamo Public Health was “refuted,” so “it will be at least 15 business days until the sentence is given.”

Meanwhile Zamora Varona blamed the Cuban Government, the local authorities and the provincial Health Directorate for making the doctors work in “the worst conditions ever seen, even in the poorest country in the world.” He stressed that they use them and then put them in prison. “They are not able to recognize that they are the only ones to blame for these deaths.

The evidence presented by Bayamo Public Health was “refuted,” so “it will be at least 15 business days until the sentence is given.”

Zamora Varona, a renowned specialist with experience in medical missions in Africa and Ecuador, said that on the day of the events, the shortcomings in the hospital were evident when a nurse named Yaquelín, who attended a patient who died in surgery, came out to ask him to “find” a probe because “there is not even that in the hospital,” since the man needed it. He gave her the one that he had. Minutes later, the same nurse came out asking for a urology specialist, because when she placed the probe, “blood came out in large quantities mixed with urine.”

Upon noticing that it was a

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