Cuban Police Arrest Several Mothers for Demanding Medical Attention for Their Children

Some of the women who protested this Friday in front of the Ministry of Public Health. (Capture)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 24 November 2023 — A dozen mothers of minors with chronic and difficult-to-treat illnesses demanded this Friday, in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Health in Havana, better quality medical care for their children, chanting: “No more communism, we want a solution.” Some of the women – including those from Pinar del Río and Mayabeque – were arrested before they could demonstrate on the corner of 23 and N, according to activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia, who reported the protest in a direct Facebook broadcast.

“We are demanding that there be a better quality of life for all these vulnerable children who are not cared for by the dictatorship. All these children are dying because of a dictatorship,” Salcedo claimed on behalf of the mothers.

After being questioned by an official who identified himself as Fernando, a worker at the Ministry, Salcedo demanded that, before any negotiation, the Police allow the release of the detained mothers. The women, she explained, were traveling in a vehicle that was intercepted at the corner of 23 and M, one block before reaching the place of the protest. “If we’re not doing anything wrong, why are they arresting the mothers who were on the other corner?” she asked.

The only thing I ask for is a humanitarian visa. I want to get Damir out of Cuba. In Cuba there is no solution for Damir. My son lives with a protective helmet because he has a hole in his head

The women who did manage to reach the ministerial headquarters also refused to enter the interior of the building to “be attended to,” as requested by Fernando, an official, until the detainees were present.

One of the mothers who took part in the protest said that Frida, who intended to attend the demonstration, “has two policemen outside her house and they won’t let her out.”

The women also reported Internet cuts and telephone problems that prevented them from broadcasting the demonstration through other channels, in addition to Salcedo’s. This is the case of the mother of Geobel Damir Ortiz Ramírez, age 9, a resident in San Miguel del Padrón, for whom she claims a humanitarian visa that would allow him to be treated abroad.

#SOSCuba Una decena de madres de menores con enfermedades crónicas o de difícil tratamiento exigieron este viernes, frent

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