Camaguey Court Prosecutes an Activist for Being Photographed With the Cuban Flag

Aniette González was arrested on March 23 in Camagüey for publishing photographs of herself dressed in the Cuban flag. (Facebook)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 4 October 2023 — The oral hearing of the trial against the Camagüeyan activist Aniette González was held this Wednesday in Camagüey and was concluded for sentencing. The opponent is accused of the crime of “insulting patriotic symbols,” after she posted photos of herself wrapped in the Cuban flag on social networks.

According to Cubalex, the Prosecutor’s Office, which in its petition requested four years in prison for the 43-year-old woman, alleged that she did not have a garment under the flag when taking the photos, so the images are considered “a lack of respect” for the patriotic symbol.

For her part, González’s lawyer stated that her client “was being judged for her political ideology” and emphasized in her defense that the opponent “was wearing clothes.”

One of the witnesses of the Prosecutor’s Office acknowledged that “he had not seen the photos with the flag very well, because they simply appeared on her Facebook wall, to which he did not pay much attention,” Cubalex adds.

One of González’s daughters told La Hora de Cuba that they were able to enter the trial room only long after the oral hearing had begun.

“The three witnesses for the Prosecutor’s Office didn’t agree; it was total madness,” said the young woman. “One said that breasts could be seen and then retracted that and said breasts couldn’t be seen. Another said that he only saw the


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