A Son of Fidel Castro Defends the Cuban Regime on Social Media With Capitalist Arguments

A carton of eggs costs more than the minimum monthly wage. (14ymedio )

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Madrid, 12 October 2023 — It’s been a little over a month since Alexi Castro Soto del Valle, one of the children that Fidel Castro had with his last wife, Dalia Soto del Valle, opened an account on the social network X, where he maintains a remarkable level of activity dedicated to the active defense of his father’s principles. According to his own description, he is a “Cuban patriot, follower of the ideology of the founding heroes Félix Varela and José Martí and the July 26 ideology of the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro Ruz.” In his penultimate dispute, he made clear, however, his critical opinion of the current Government, which he asks to be accountable to the National Assembly, “which is the sovereign power of the people represented through its deputies,” for the failure of the Ministry of Agriculture’s policy.

“Nor is the role of state and private property management by the various cooperative forms in agriculture fully understood;  each has its place and function,” says Castro’s son, who also attributes to companies and farmers the incompetence that has generated food insecurity on the Island.

Castro takes advantage of his posts to illustrate his knowledge of economics. “They don’t understand concepts such as the sense of ownership, the necessary autonomy to invest, associate, produce and market, and price formation, which should not be by mandate, but respond to an econometric science, the role of the market…”

The remark comes as a result of a comment by journalist Magdiel Jorge Castro, annoyed with the price of the eggs, whose shortage was the subject of a report even in Cubadebate on Monday. “So that you have an idea of the huge crisis in Cuba: a carton of eggs is sold today at 2,800 pesos, almost double the average [monthly] pension and much more than the minimum [monthly] wage, set at 2,100 pesos. A Cuban worker can’t even buy 30 eggs with a month’s work,” the reporter emphasizes.

Concepts such as the sense of ownership, the necessary auto


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