HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 1 (ACN) Cuba tested a total of 2,430 samples for surveillance, 22 of which were positive. The country accumulates 13, 964,854 samples taken and 1,106,045 positive.
At the end of June 30, a total of 315 patients were admitted, 196 suspected and 119 confirmed active.
Of the total number of cases, 16 were contacts of confirmed cases, 4 with source of infection abroad and 2 with no source of infection specified. There were 22 medical discharges, accumulating 1,097,338 (99.2%) and there were no deaths. Two patients were reported in ICU, one in serious and one in critical condition.
Two asymptomatic cases were registered (9.1%), totaling 147,059, representing 13.3% of those confirmed to date, and the diagnosed cases belong to the following age groups: under 20 years of age (9), 20 to 39 (7), 40 to 59 (4), and over 60 (2).