SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, Jun 23 (ACN) The 17th International Fair Expocaribe 2022, designed to promote unity, solidarity, alliances and business, especially among Caribbean nations, starts today in this city for almost twenty countries, including some from Africa, Asia and Europe, that will be represented by businesspersons or diplomats.
Before the opening, the heads of the official delegations will visit the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, where the mortal remains of the founding fathers of Cuban independence lie.
Following a welcome speech by provincial governor Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, Lou-Anne Burns Martinez, ambassador of Belize in Cuba; Franklin Witter Robert, minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica, and Rodrigo Malmierca, Cuban Minister of of Foreign Trade and Investment will take the floor.
The day’s program features two special speeches—one by a representative of the Ministry of Economy and Planning on the general situation of the Cuban economy, and the other by an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the historical ties between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Cuba—and the presentation of the Portfolio of Business Opportunities with Foreign Investment and Cuba’s exportable goods and services.