HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 21 (ACN) Doctor of Sciences Maria Guadalupe Guzman Tirado, director of the Cuban Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK) Research, Diagnosis and Reference Center, presented today the achievements in research on dengue to the French Academy of Sciences and the jury of the Unesco – L’OREAL International Prize.
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) reported on Twitter that the outstanding scientist is in Paris, to receive the Unesco-L’OREAL International Prize, Women and Science, in a ceremony to be held on June 23.
According to the UNESCO website, the prize is awarded to Guzman Tirado for her pioneering work, which has led to a better understanding and treatment of dengue or tropical flu, which mainly affects intertropical areas and infects between 50 and 100 million people around the world every year.
The scientist is the first Caribbean woman to win the important prize, which has been awarded since 1998 to women researchers who stand out for their contribution to life sciences and the environment.