Cuban Family Code Draft is based on a Genre Approach

Havana, April 25 (ACN) We look forwards to having a Cuban legislation based on appropriate genre approach, said Teresa Amarelle, general secretary of the Cuban Women’s Federation and member of the Communist Party Politburo.

During an exchange in Havana with members of the Libertadoras Group with the Network of Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity, Amarelle addressed the main contributions made to the Cuban Family Code draft based on a genre approach, as well as the National Women Empowerment Program.

The Cuban Women’s leader said that the code draft, under the people’s debate until April 30, tries to mirror Cuban reality and recognize it before the law with the necessary legal instruments, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

The Women Empowerment Program updates the work done so far by the Revolution in the benefit of women, said Amarelle, who went on to explain that the initiative includes economic empowerment, education, prevention, social work, sexual and reproductive health, and a legal framework to address genre violence.

Venezuela’s Culture Minister Karen Millan described the Cuban Family Code drat as an initiative linked to the new cultural examples to follow, which addresses different relationships in everyday life based on respect and peace for the advancement of society.

Uruguayan economist Grabiela Cultell, coordinator of the Libertadoras Group, praised the inclusive language used in the family code and its constant mission of making women visible from the legislation.

Cultell referred to the US economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cub as a policy that encourages genre violence and she insisted in taking this argument to the feminist movement in Latin America.

The meeting was also attended by Judith Ferreiro, director of the Center for Studies on Women, and other members of the Cuban Women Federation.

Amarelle appreciated the exchange with representatives of Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela, during the ongoing Havana International Book Fair.


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