Cuba to Host International Biotech Congress BioHabana 2022

Havana, April 21 (ACN) BioHabana 2022 International Biotech Congress will take place April 25-29 in this city capital with the participation of some 900 Cuban and foreign experts; with over 600 presentations, the forum will favor the setting up of alliances for a greater impact on public health.

This will be the first Congress of its kind to be held here due to its agenda which is linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical technology, the Industry 4.0, chronic inflammation and aging, brain conditions and cancer immunotherapy.

The president of the BioCubaFarma Conglomerate Eduardo Martinez told reporters in Havana that the Congress will present definitive results of studies on the Cuban COVID-19 vaccines in controlling the epidemic and the integral evaluation of drugs that were part of the Cuban protocol against the disease.

Research studies included the clinical test evidence of the CIMAvax-EGT vaccine which was jointly carried out by Cuba’s Immunology Center and the US Roswell Park Institute.

Other research outcome to be released is that carried out on the NeuroEpo product, which allowed a conditioned registration to be used in patients suffering from moderate and slight Alzheimer disease, as well as its use to treat other conditions, Martinez said.

Out of some 300 lectures on the Congress program, 232 will include in-presence audience and 69 will take place online. Most works are related to the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by others dedicated to Cancer treatment, brain conditions and bio-processes.

Nobel Medicine Laureates James Patrick Allison and Richard John Roberts will deliver keynote lectures during the Congress, in what has been called not a mere academic forum, but a scientific-entrepreneurial exchange aimed at stepping up connections between science and economy, so it will include a session for the signing of commercial accords.


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