Earl and Countess of Wessex postpone Grenada trip

Image source, Getty Images

The Grenada leg of the Earl and the Countess of Wessex’s Caribbean tour has been postponed, a day before their week-long trip begins.

The decision was made after talks with the island’s government and governor general, Buckingham Palace said.

Prince Edward and Sophie will still visit other islands on the tour to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

It comes after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were criticised for some parts of their recent tour.

A Buckingham Palace source said discussions were held with host nations to ensure the itinerary would meet the aims of the tour, which are to celebrate the islands being visited and mark the Queen’s 70-year reign.

Within those discussions, Grenada – on the advice of Dame Cecile La Grenade, its governor general and the Queen’s representative in the country – suggested a postponement.

Prince Edward and Sophie hope to visit the island at a later date, the palace said.

Their tour of three Caribbean nations – St Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda – will begin on Friday.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attending the inaugural Commissioning Parade in Jamaica

Image source, PA Media

Part of Prince William and Catherine’s Caribbean tour in March was axed amid opposition from locals.

A visit a cacao farm in the foothills of the Maya Mountains was removed from the couple’s schedule following reports of a protest opposing the trip.

Grenada gained independence from the UK in 1974 when Eric Gairy became the island’s first prime minister.

The National Democratic Congress, a liberal opposition party, has previously said it would put the question of whether the Queen should be head of state to a referendum. It also congratulated the prime minister of Barbados for having taken this step ahead of the island becoming a republic last year.

The press secretary for the prime minister’s office in Grenada said there was a mutual agreement between the parties to postpone the visit.

During the upcoming tour, Prince Edward will conduct an investiture on behalf of the Queen and the couple will attend a service to mark the Platinum Jubilee.

The couple are due to meet local communities, Commonwealth Games athletes, craftspeople and women in leadership roles during their trip.


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