HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 18 (ACN) Students of Higher education all over Cuba return today to classes to begin the 2022 academic year in university degrees and short-cycle training programs, without renouncing the use of virtual spaces for teaching and learning.
According to statements made by Jose Ramon Saborido Loidi, head of the ministry of higher education (MES by its Spanish acronym), this year will focus on a stronger link with the goods and services production sector, the university-business relationship, the attention to students of university colleges, the follow-up of graduates, and curricular and extracurricular actions to promote an innovative culture.
Socio-political, educational and academic attention in the first and last year of each degree program will also be a key aspect of the new academic period, with a view to ensuring compliance with the English graduation requirement and preparation for the completion of studies.
The universities will work to implement actions of social impact, including academic offerings and access for young people in vulnerable situations and for prison populations, as well as the training of social workers.
The period that is starting will be marked by an increase in the number of enrollments in higher education institutions, since during the admission process, 100,022 places were offered, more than 9,000 in relation to the previous year.