SANTA CLARA, Cuba, Jan 17 (ACN) The epidemiological situation of Villa Clara due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the provincial director of health, Gretza Sanchez Padron, is currently at risk three, which is considered high.
Sanchez Padron explained to the press that according to the country’s classification, this risk is established when a number of positive cases appears between 100 and 500, and currently the territory presents an incidence rate of about 301.33 per 100, 000 inhabitants.
Nowadays, 113 new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, were reported in Villa Clara, all of them autochthonous, so the epidemiological situation continues to be complex in the territory.
The Molecular Biology laboratory processed 1,141 PCR tests, all of them belonging to citizens of the province.
By municipalities, Santo Domingo had the highest number of positive results (28), followed by Manicaragua and Placetas (21 each), Santa Clara (18), Encrucijada (eight), Ranchuelo and Cifuentes (five each), Corralillo, Quemado de Güines and Sagua la Grande (two each), and Remedios (one).
Sanchez Padron warned about the increase in the positivity in contacts outside homes, due to the fact that several measures have been removed in the individual order, and also because the perception of risk has decreased.