HAVANA, Cuba, Oct 18 (ACN) Cuba studied a total of 27,329 samples to detect COVID 19, resulting in 1,844 positive. The country accumulates 10, 200,001 million samples taken and 936,809 positive.
At the end of October 17, 24,352 patients were admitted, 14,375 suspected, 1,716 under surveillance and 8,261 confirmed active.
Of the total number of cases, 1,843 were contacts of confirmed cases; 1 with source of infection abroad and 0 without source of infection. There were 2,245 discharges, 920,412 patients recovered (98.2%) and 21 people died. In intensive care units, 241 confirmed patients are being treated, 85 of them critical and 156 severe.
Among the 1,844 positive cases, 10.5% (194) were asymptomatic, accumulating a total of 129,488, representing 13.8% of those confirmed to date, and the diagnosed cases belong to the following age groups: under 20 years of age (377), 20 to 39 (402), 40 to 59 (553) and over 60 (512).