COVID-19 forecasts presented in Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 25 (ACN) The COVID-19 forecasts can change if, together with the rise in the number of vaccinated people, every Cuban complies with the measures of social and physical distancing and the rest of the health protocols, said Doctor of Science Raul Guinovart Diaz, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Havana (MATCOM).

At a meeting Tuesday with scientists, experts and the Cuban Presidency, the specialist pointed out that short and medium-term forecasts on the behavior of COVID-19 continue to be discouraging, holding that the math is irrefutable as long as the human behavior variable is out of the equation, which is not the case of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

He explained that in the short term, the number of cases will remain high, above eight thousand, according to a model that reiterates that we have reached a peak of positive cases. In the coming weeks, he added, the number of infected and deceased will continue to be very high.
In the medium-term, when more complex situations may arise, the expert pointed out that the number of single-day positives could remain above 7,500, given the incidence of the epidemic in some provinces.

However, Guinovart pointed out that the prospects regarding the behavior of COVID-19 predict a decrease in confirmed and active cases by the end of September, taking into account the vaccination program scheduled for the period from July to October.


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