Over 1.4 million Cuban households have received their food donations

HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 24 (ACN) One million 414,755 food modules have been delivered free of charge to an equal number of families in seven provinces and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud, since their distribution began in early August with donations sent to Cuba by sister nations.

The figure rises every day, Francisco Silva Herrera, general director of Merchandise Sales of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, told the Cuban News Agency, stressing the permanent control and monitoring of this operation, characterized by transparency and promptness in the reception, dispatch and transportation of cargo.

In order to face the impact of the pandemic and the intensified U.S. blockade, the country has so far received more than 19,000 tons of food, most of which were used to form the modules or combos, already in the hands of families in Havana, Matanzas, Ciego de Avila, Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo, Holguin, Artemisa and the Isle of Youth.

The distribution in the warehouses is about to conclude in the territories of Pinar del Río, Matanzas and Ciego de Avila provinces, while in the capital in 13 of its 15 municipalities, the gradual delivery has begun, and only Plaza de la Revolución and Playa have yet to begin.
The MINCIN executive recalled that as new food donations arrive from friendly countries, the rest of the provinces will receive them during the rest of August and September.

He emphasized with great satisfaction and gratitude that the beneficiary population has accepted the module (eight to nine kilograms) containing rice, pasta, sugar and grains, as well as the families of those territories to which wheat flour, canned meat, tuna, beans, oil and powdered milk were sent, since the quantities were more limited.

Silva Herrera clarified that with the wheat flour the food industry manufactures sweet and salt cookies, whose sale price in the retail network or in the bakeries-sweetshops is below the usual price, taking into account that this raw material is a donation.

Regarding the fortified milk, he said that it is being delivered (0.5kg) for all consumers aged 65 and over, even if they have diets, but for now in the provinces of Havana, Villa Clara, Holguin and Guantanamo.
He informed that although in minimum quantities, chicken and other foods have also been destined to reinforce the diet of those admitted with COVID-19 in assistance centers.
The executive highlighted the unity and integration achieved with this task in which not only MINCIN and its Food and Non-Food Products business groups participate, but also the Ministries of Transport (from the port-transport-internal economy chain), Public Health (with epidemiological hygiene) and Agriculture (with sanitary control), among others.
He also praised the support of the armed institutions in the provinces, local governments and community factors in delivering the modules or some products, especially to vulnerable groups, through the courier system.


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