HAVANA, Cuba, Aug 3 (ACN) Cuba today reported 9,629 new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, for a total of 413 thousand 251 confirmed cases since March last year, 88.1 percent (%) of them recovered.
According to the daily report of the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap), 80 people died yesterday in the country due to this disease and 7,538 were discharged from the hospital; 45,966 active cases remain hospitalized, of which 45,609 with stable clinical evolution, 141 reported in critical condition and 216 in serious condition.
So far, Cuba has accumulated 364,236 recovered patients (88.1%) and 2,993 deaths due to the pandemic, which is equivalent to a lethality rate of 0.72%, compared to 2.13% in the world and 2.60% in the Americas, according to the Minsap report,