Cubans back Díaz-Canel's words in support of the Revolution

HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 12 (ACN) Cubans from different provinces of the country expressed their support for the words of the President and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, to defend the Revolution in the streets.

Those who take violence to the streets harm the people of Cuba, it is the wrong way to resolve differences, said musician Manuel Alvariño Hernández, who condemned the riots led by counterrevolutionary elements in several towns and cities of the country.

We are living through very difficult times due to the intensification of the U.S. blockade and the worst outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, but united we can move forward, he said.

A group of criminals broke store windows and raided them in an attack against order in Cardenas, that is not a solution, we are a cultured people who prefer dialogue to resolve differences, but we will not remain with our arms crossed if they attack us, said the Cardenas native.

With friends and co-workers I went out to the streets in defense of my country and my Revolution, creating this kind of disturbances is an option of cowards, we cannot let ourselves be fooled despite the hard moment in which we find ourselves, he commented.

Let us not trust in false pretexts of humanitarian aid, if they really want to help us, they should tear down the U.S. blockade, a real obstacle to the efforts of our government to guarantee the welfare of all, Alvariño Hernández said.

Caridad Ramos Domíguez, a Pinar del Río woman that recovered from COVID-19, told ACN she was grateful to the Revolution for its constant effort to increase the standard of living of the population, and in spite of the genocidal blockade, to move forward.

I am a witness of the humane treatment, the careful attention of doctors and nurses and the care and struggle of the government and scientists to preserve the life of each patient, without thinking about the rest, or the risk that they themselves run, she said.

I had at my disposal everything that the treatment protocol conceived -she clarified- medicines, food and after being discharged, they followed my recovery, including the attention of a psychologist, until the definitive recovery.

Sai Maylén Sarmiento, a young woman from Camagüey, told ACN that attempts such as these, which she described as madness in the midst of such difficult times for COVID-19, only seek to worsen the situation.
Many of those who today participate in acts like these allow themselves to be manipulated by a few who are paid from the outside to provoke disorder without realizing that they are endangering their own health and that of those around them, she added.

We all know what is behind those attempts of demonstrations carried out by paid and manipulated people, we must have a lot of conscience, discipline and responsibility to face provocations like these, in which a few take advantage to provoke discontent among the people, said Osmany Rodríguez Pérez from Camagüey.

The order to fight back was given and the revolutionaries in the streets support the pronouncements of Díaz Canel, who with a well-argued television intervention ratified the humanist, patriotic and solidary sense of the socialist project on the island, said Daysi Pozo, general secretary of the Agricultural, Forestry and Tobacco Union in Santiago de Cuba.

Enrique Wanton Gómez, a resident of the 7th district in that eastern city, commented that, as the President said, they are playing the game of the US, the one that since 1959 has done everything possible and impossible to intervene in Cuba and, not being able to achieve that old desire, is intensifying every day the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba.

Sandra Santos García, ideological officer of the CDR in Santiago de Cuba, made a call to the people of Santiago de Cuba to fight against those who, through plans of social destabilization in the localities, try to undermine the tranquility and sovereignty of all Cubans, the leader affirmed.

We know that within that group there are revolutionary people, who may feel overwhelmed and confused with the economic problems of the country, a consequence of the intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States to the Cuban archipelago, and the COVID-19 pandemic, she explained.

We must establish a dialogue with them to clarify their concerns, because despite the difficulties, the Cuban government is concerned about the welfare of the people with free medical services and attention to vulnerable people under the premise that no one will be left helpless, he stressed.

The people of Ciego de Avila city responded strongly to the provocations of stateless and mercenary groups and took to the streets to defend the Revolution and show their support to their leaders.

Gathered in Martí Park, most of the young people expressed their decision not to encourage division among Cubans and, on the contrary, to defend unity as the main weapon against imperialist intentions to destroy what has cost so much blood.

Accompanied by the highest party leaders, the people of this central Cuba city reiterated their conviction of not bowing down to any threat.

In Pinar del Rio, near the Independence Park, a small group of people gathered in a very dispersed manner and immediately received the popular response.

At the end of President Miguel Diaz-Canel’s statement on national television, a noisy caravan of cars, led by the Cuban flag and manned by citizens who shouted slogans loudly, announced that the streets belong to the revolutionaries, as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba had called for.

In the last few hours, in several Cuban towns there have been rallies of groups of people demanding explanations about the current economic and health situation in the country, which has been manipulated by counterrevolutionary groups seeking to justify a humanitarian intervention in Cuba.


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