The Role of the Internal Opposition in Cuba


It is more likely that the regime will be overthrown by spontaneous movements than by a previously coordinated one. The movement prepared for 11J did not even take an individual to the streets, while 15N took the streets for a few hours.

By Jose Gabriel Barrenchea (latinoaerica21)

HAVANA TIMES – A group of opponents of proven trajectory inside and outside Cuba, among them Guillermo Fariñas, Antonio Rodiles, and Camila Acosta are trying to lead the debate toward the need to allocate the bulk of our scarce resources to create a strong and structured opposition movement of masses inside the country.

Let us speak clearly. If more than four decades of peaceful opposition inside Cuba have demonstrated anything, it is the impossibility of articulating a mass opposition movement inside the country. Those of us who have been in the internal opposition for years know what happens when you decide to get down to work on it: they will surround you with undercover agents of the State Security, not only to be aware of your every step and plan, but above all subtly promote the differences within your movement, multiply the suspicions of each other, make it impossible to agree within it, and finally cause its implosion. They will call upon each new individual not only to join the movement, but to show signs of willingness to do so, they will harass him or the people around him, they will expel him from his job, they will refuse him the license to take over a private enterprise… until they make him desist and move away from it… until they make him give up and walk away. Finally, if you insist or begin to have any success in your purpose, they will target you, the organizer, limit your freedom of movement, or even put you in jail, if you do not accept exile.

Cuba is still a totalitarian dictatorship, with a very efficient system of prophylactic repression. Even in the People’s Democracies, that watered-down form of totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, where nationalism and socialism went in opposite directions in the first place, the latte

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