HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 13 (ACN) 90% (%) of the Cuban population completed the anti-COVID-19 vaccination scheme, with the immunogens developed in the country, Soberana 02, Soberana Plus and Abdala, Cuban ministry of public health (MINSAP by its Spanish acronym) reported today.
According to the agency’s daily report, published on its website, this figure is equivalent to 9,968,557 people in the Caribbean nation.
At the close of this June 11, 10,674,577 people had received at least one dose, of which 9,412,889 had received a second dose and 9,114,094 a third one.
MINSAP specified that 7,323,019 people have received booster doses, 324,531 of them as part of the clinical study, and 6,998,488 in the booster vaccination which is being applied to the population of selected territories and risk groups.
In total, 37,774,774 doses of Cuban vaccines have been administered in the country.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic in Cuba, in March 2020, 1,105,631 patients have been diagnosed positive for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, of which 1,96,934 (99.2%) have been recovered.
During this period, 8,529 patients died of complications associated with the disease, for a case fatality rate of 0.77%.