HAVANA, Cuba, Jun 10 (ACN) Cuba studied a total of 4,173 samples for surveillance, resulting positive 31 for 0.7% of positivity. The country accumulates 13,904,794 samples taken and 1,105,577 positive (8.0%).
At the end of June 9, a total of 943 patients were admitted, 35 under surveillance, 804 suspected and 104 confirmed active.
Of the total number of cases,27 were contacts of confirmed cases and 4 with source of infection abroad. There were 20 medical discharges, accumulating 1,096,885 (99.2%) and there were no deaths during the day. Two confirmed critical patients are being treated in ICU.
Of the 31 positive cases, 9.7% (3) were asymptomatic, totaling 147,001, which represent 13.3% of those confirmed to date. The diagnosed cases belong to the following age groups: under 20 years of age (14), 20 to 39 (5), 40 to 59 (8), and over 60 (4).